Representative at Houthoff
“Connecting is for me about finding your way with people. Or places. Having the sense: yes, I belong here. When connections are made, we build trust. We dare to show ourselves more. We learn to find our way. And we feel more relaxed.
For me, as an expat, I have moved several times. And every time, this is the process I go through. And every time when I leave a country – I feel deeply sad and affected by the leaving. Connections are so important. You realize it when you lose them.
As to my son: it takes longer for him than for other children — but also he goes through this process. He now has made many friends. He plays. He enjoys. He learns. The other day, I brought him to school. He went into the class room without a problem. I followed him as he settled behind his desk, immediately distracted in the play with other children. He forgot to turn around and wave goodbye. For a moment I was sad. But then I thought: this is fine. He is connecting.”
Cecile Eijsink-Bonnier represents Houthoff in Tokyo. Her focus is on developing close ties with our local clients and firms to create new alliances and strengthen our network. Cecile works closely on this with our Netherlands-based professionals who will be visiting Tokyo regularly.